Raylan: Carolyn, I want you to be careful, now.
Carolyn: So that’s the question, isn’t it? Do I trust you with what I know?

Raylan: Are we at emotions already?
Carolyn: Ah, let’s keep it at aspirations.

Cruz: Look at you, still giving a fuck.
Raylan: I try.
Cruz: You remind me of me, man. When I started out. Except you’re old.
Raylan: I ain’t gonna sleep at night this sonofabitch wins.

Carolyn: Look, just because you got in my panties doesn’t mean you can get in my business.
Raylan: But that never happened.

Robinson: There’s three ways this’ll go. One is God himself sends down a lightning bolt and breaks the case open. Two, this shit drags on and drifts away and all we got to show for it is a peptic ulcer.
Raylan: Three, go find Clement and shoot him
Robinson: I suppose there are four ways. The third way I was thinking – call it a Detroit way, although for sure we don’t hold the patent.
Raylan: Entrapment. Plant a little dope or go all the way and frame the guy up.
Robinson: Yeah. Not my style either.

Carolyn: So this never happened.
Raylan: So… Don’t tell everyone at school?
Carolyn: I just want to lay some ground rules.
Raylan: Of course.
Carolyn: Nothing changes between us.
Raylan: Nope.
Carolyn: My client is still my client.
Raylan: Yup. That said, how was it for you?
Carolyn: It was about what I expected it to be.

Raylan: My experience, people do as they will. The trick is how you react.
Carolyn: Laissez-faire approach, is that it?
Raylan: I don’t speak Spanish.

Carolyn: See, in my life, everybody has their foot on my neck to get what they want. Fuck them. Fuck them to be so small that they abuse their power. Now, see, I want mine, but I’m going to use my power to do what’s right. I’m going to bang my gavel to set things straight.
Raylan: And you have confidence in the sobriety of your judgment.
Carolyn: Gotta be if I’m going to sit on the bench.
Raylan: You are sitting here with me.
Carolyn: I never said that my judgment wasn’t occasionally impaired.

Raylan: As we speak, hordes of Eastern Europeans are spreading across Detroit, looking to ixnay your client and likely Sandy Stanton and anyone close to him along the way.
Carolyn: Why, Marshall, I think you’re trying to scare me.
Raylan: I don’t have to. The Albanians should already do that.

Besnik: Do you know what this is?
Yuna: Pliers?
Besnik: It’s Albanian tooth extractor.
Yuna: Well, what makes it Albanian?
Agron: The fact that I’m holding it.

Bryl: Either the Albanians lead us to Mansell or they turn him into little tiny pieces. Done and done.
Raylan: That’s an optimistic point of view. Another would be we just put a hit out on our suspect.
Bryl: Excuse me for misunderstanding that you had the willingness to do what needs getting done.
Raylan: I have no problem getting things done. I do have a problem rolling up on Mansell, face down in a river, shot to death by some Albanian dipshits, when what WE want is for the man to be prosecuted, forced to answer for his crimes, long period of reflection in a tiny cell.
Bryl: That’s another way to look at it.

Look, it’s not for me to tell you you’re in over your head, Carolyn, but I ain’t been here a week and the shit I’ve seen is certainly giving me pause.

Justified: City Primeval Quotes

Willa: C’mon, Dad, I don’t want to do this.
Raylan: I’m guessing you’ll think about that next time you consider punching a girl in the face.
Willa: I barely touched her!
Raylan: You broke her nose.
Willa: She deserved it.
Raylan: That’s not the point.

There’s no such thing as ‘on time.’ You’re either early or you’re late. And where you’re going, we’re going to be early.
